Night vision monoculars
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Why monoculars?
Monoculars with night vision
The NORTIS M products are multi-purpose night vision monoculars with electro-optical parameters of 2+ and 3-generation , they have first-class design and ergonomics, light alloy body, high-light optics, interchangeable lenses that allow varying image intensities, light overload protection, with the option of attaching to a helmet or a head mask on the right or left eye. Using special mounting adapters, they can be connected to daytime observation and sighting telescopes to turn them into night-time telescopes.

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If you are unsure about your choice or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Do you need help with your selection?
If you are unsure about your choice or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.